Small Handyman Tasks To Have Done In The Spring

Spring is the season for cleaning. Most people take this time to tidy up their indoor and outdoor spaces in preparation for the new year. But beyond cleaning, spring is also a good time to tackle some other small fix-it and repair projects at home. Many of these tasks can easily be tackled by a handyman service. Here are a few of the key things you may want to ask them to do.

Check railing fasteners.

The fasteners that attach outdoor porch and stair railings to the ground can sometimes become loose in winter due to all of the freezing and thawing. Loose railing fasteners can make the railings unsafe. Have your handyman check these fasteners and tighten them if needed. They may also need to replace some or all of the screws holding the railing plates to the ground.

Turn the hose bib back on.

If you turned your outdoor spigots off for the winter to keep them from freezing, spring is the time to turn them on. This is not a difficult task, but your handyman should inspect the pipes before doing it just to ensure there are not any leaks or damage.

Clean the gutters.

Gutters often accumulate a lot of debris in the late fall and winter, meaning they may not drain as well as they should once the spring showers arrive. Have your handyman service come clean out the gutters, removing any leaves and other debris from them. This will protect your roof throughout the summer.

Replace caulking or weatherstripping around windows and doors.

The caulk or weatherstripping around windows and doors can become loose in the winter, leading to leaks. It's not that tough for a handyman to look over the caulk or weatherstripping, remove any damaged material, and then replace it. Doing so will prevent leaks and ensure sustained energy efficiency.

Change your AC filter.

Before you have to use the air conditioner for the year, you should have your handyman replace the filter. This will help keep the air clean as it comes through the system. Since filters really need to be changed every couple of months, you can have your handyman leave you some extra filters and show you how to change them.

If you have a handyman tackle all of these tasks each spring, your home should be in good shape and set for the summer. Good luck, and enjoy.
