Even if you keep up with your routine vacuum cleaning and maybe even rent a carpet scrubber sometimes, you may be surprised to find that your carpets aren't nearly as clean as you think they are. In fact, carpets can trap dirt deep within the fibers and that dirt can be difficult to get out without the help of a professional carpet cleaning contractor. Here's a look at some of the key indications that you may need to call a professional carpet cleaner.
You Wear Shoes In The House
If you wear shoes in the house, you're likely tracking all sorts of things in and leaving residue behind on your carpet. Carpet fibers trap and hide dirt, so the problem is significant by the time you notice it. If you wear shoes in the house, it's in your best interest to call a professional carpet cleaning company periodically to keep your carpets clean.
You're Expecting A Baby
If you have recently found out that you have a baby on the way, this is the best time to schedule a professional carpet cleaning. Look for a company that uses pet and child-friendly products, but schedule a cleaning for a month or so before your due date. Remember that babies spend a lot of time on the floor in the early stages, and through toddlerhood, so you want your carpets to be as clean as possible.
You Just Housebroke A Puppy
If you adopted a puppy that wasn't housebroken, you probably have some stains left behind from the ordeal. Even if you've treated them with those enzyme sprays, it's in your best interest to have the entire carpet professionally cleaned once the dog has been fully housebroken. That way, you can completely eliminate any residues and reduce the risk of repeat incidents.
Your Carpet Feels Rougher Than It Used To
As carpet fibers attract dirt, they become stiffer. If your carpet used to feel much softer than it does now, that's a key indication that it's time for a professional carpet cleaning. A professional cleaning will strip away all of the dirt and residue that's attached to the carpet fibers, restoring your soft, clean carpet.
These are some of the key indications that it's time to call carpet cleaners. If you can't remember the last time that your carpets were cleaned by a professional, it's time to call and schedule an appointment today.